
What Injuries Could I Claim For Car Accident?

Further Car Accident Statistics In The UK

All of the statistics outlined by the Department of Transport Injuries are considered to be a substantial reduction when compared to recent years. When looking at casualties and their impact, the DFT broke down the statistical impact of road traffic accidents per vehicle:

  • 65,890 casualties were car occupants.
  • 14,820 casualties were pedestrians.
  • 14,690 casualties were motorcyclists.
  • 16,810 casualties were cyclists.

Car Accident Compensation – What Injuries Could I Claim For?


This section looks at what injuries could result in a claim for compensation after a car accident. With claims for car accidents, compensation will address the injury you suffered and how it affected you.

The following injuries may occur following a car accident:

  • A whiplash injury may happen if there is sudden movement of the head or neck
  • You might suffer psychological injuries such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • A car crash could cause burns or lacerations
  • A back injury could occur, for example, a sprain or strain
  • You might suffer trauma to your head or brain due to a road traffic accident

If you have suffered a personal injury following a car accident, compensation could be owed if it was caused by negligence. However, it’s important to provide evidence of your injuries. Continue reading to find out more. Otherwise, get in touch for free legal advice on how to claim compensation for a car accident.

Suing For Emotional Distress In The UK

A car accident may not only cause physical injuries to a person. The NHS lists a serious car accident as one of the potential causes of PTSD. Not only could this mental health condition cause a person to have trouble sleeping. It could have a detrimental impact on various aspects of a person’s life, including their relationships, their physical health and their ability to work. The NHS estimates that 1 in 3 people suffer from some level of PTSD after a traumatic event. 

As well as claiming for physical injuries from a car accident, it could be possible for someone to sue for emotional distress after a car accident. 

If you would like to learn more about suing for emotional distress in the UK after a car accident and what evidence you might need, please call our team. We would be happy to discuss the PTSD settlement offer in the UK that could be offered after a successful claim. We could also assist you in starting a claim if you are eligible to do so. 

Car Crash Compensation – What Is The Whiplash Reform Programme?

If you’re injured in a car crash and the compensation is worth £5,000 or lower, then you may need to claim through the Whiplash Reform Programme (WRP). It was put in place to streamline the process of making whiplash claims and other low-value road traffic accident claims.

However, the value of the claim is not the only stipulation that makes you eligible to claim in this way. You can only claim through the WRP portal if:

  • You are 18 or older
  • The accident happened in England or Wales
  • You were a driver or passenger in a vehicle
  • The accident occurred on or after 31st May 2021

If you claim through the WRP, your injuries will be valued in line with the tariff laid out in the Whiplash Injury Regulations 2021.

The time limit is the same for personal injury claims as it is for a car accident in the UK being made through the WRP. Make sure you start your claim within the relevant time window or you could find it much more difficult. This is typically 3 years from the date of the injury, but certain exceptions can be made.

Get in touch with our advisors to find out more, including how much compensation for a car accident in the UK you could receive.

What is the average payout for a car accident in the UK through the scheme? Could I get more if my injuries are valued higher?

While the scheme seems like a good idea and could mean you save time when claiming, we’d advise you to call us first. The reason for that is it is very difficult to put a value on your claim if you’re not experienced in personal injury claims. While the reform programme does offer some advice, you could lose some of the compensation you might be due if you set the value of your injuries too low.

Please call our advisors who’ll assess your claim for free. If they concur that the value of your claim is less than £5,000, you’ll be able to process the claim yourself as we provide a no-obligation service.

Car Accident Compensation Examples UK

The average payout for a car accident might not be useful to you, because of the fact that so many different factors go in to determining how much compensation you could be owed. However, if you’re looking for car accident compensation examples

The table below could help. In it, we have used figures from the Judicial College Guidelines 2022 release. This is a publication that contains a list of injuries with corresponding compensation amounts. It is often used to help value the general damages head of claim.

This compensates claimants for the suffering, pain and loss of amenity. These figures are only rough guidelines, however. Additionally, it is only used for claims made in England and Wales.

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