
Can I Claim For A Laser Hair Removal Burn?

Here is our guide to claiming for laser hair removal burns and laser hair removal blisters. We answer questions about laser hair removal gone wrong, and laser hair removal scars, including what makes a laser burn on skin, what are IPL burns, and whether you could claim for erythema ab igne on the NHS.


We offer top tips on proving a claim for burns from laser hair removal and blisters from hair removal, whether you’ve suffered laser burns on your legs, arms or elsewhere. Plus, we advise what you can claim for in laser hair removal burns from IPL claims.

We also answer questions including ‘How long do you have to claim laser burn settlements”, “Will IPL burns go away? Or will I be left with laser hair removal burn marks?’: and  Do I need a lawyer if I suffer burns after laser hair removal?”

You could receive a laser hair removal burn settlement for burns from laser hair removal because of negligence.

If you’re looking for information on how to calculate a laser hair removal settlement, or want to know how to treat burns from laser hair removal, this guide could be extremely useful.

Can I claim for laser hair removal burns and scars?

In order to make a successful claim for laser hair removal burns, you must meet certain criteria. They are as follows:

  • You were owed a duty of care by a third party
  • The defendant breached their duty of care in an act of negligence
  • Subsequently, you suffered a laser hair removal burn or similar injury

Our advisors are able to establish your eligibility at no extra cost to you. Depending on the strength of your claim, they could connect you to our panel of solicitors.

To arrange a free consultation, get in touch with our advisors at any time.

Getting help with laser hair removal scars

Laser hair removal burn marksBurns from laser hair removal Blisters from laser hair removal" laser hair removal gone wrong - burn from laser hair removal (H2) replace 'What are laser hair removal burns and laser hair removal blisters? '1. laser hair removal gone wrong 2. burn from laser hair removal 3.laser hair removal blisters" "Laser hair removal burn settlement Burn from laser hair removal Burns after laser hair removal Laser burn on skin" Laser hair removal burn compensation what makes a laser burn laser hair removal cost calculator erythema ab igne NHS* erythema ab igne treatment NHS* ipl burns laser hair removal scars laser hair removal burns* top tips on proving a claim for laser hair removal burns [h2/h3] laser hair removal burns [anchor] laser burns on legs laser hair removal scars  what else can you claim for if you suffer laser hair removal burns? [h2/h3 - special damages section] laser hair removal burns laser burn How Long Do You Have To Claim Laser Burn Settlements? - Burn from IPL -laser hair removal burn settlement (h3) laser burn settlements burns from laser hair removal" [stands for Intense pulsed light] Burns after laser hair removal Will IPL burns go away?

Laser hair removal burn compensationIf you have been injured because of a laser hair removal treatment that has gone wrong, you could be entitled to compensation. However, you do not get a second chance to make a claim for laser hair removal burns compensation, which is why it’s important to begin working with the best professionals as soon as possible.

This is where we come in. At Accident Claims UK, we have helped many people to get the compensation that they deserve for their personal injuries, including injuries that have been sustained during laser hair removal treatment. With this in mind, please read on to learn more about these types of negligence claims. If you have any more questions, you can find our contact information at the end of this guide.

A complete guide to laser hair removal burns

Welcome to our guide to claiming laser hair removal burn compensation. You may be asking; can I sue for laser burns? If you have sustained burns after or during laser hair removal treatment, you could be able to make a claim for compensation as long as you can prove that the person carrying out.

Treatment was to blame. For example, they may have failed to carry out a mandatory patch test before your procedure, resulting in you suffering an allergic reaction. In this guide to claiming laser hair removal compensation, we’ll talk you through how you could get the payout that you deserve.

Could a salon be responsible for laser?

There are a number of different ways that a beauty salon or clinic could be responsible for burns sustained during laser hair removal treatment. Reasons range from failing to maintain equipment properly to failing to conduct the correct health and safety assessments for the procedure.

If you are interested in making a claim for laser hair removal treatment burns, you can find all of the information that you need to know in this guide. This includes information such as:

  • How to make a laser hair removal injury claim
  • What damage you can claim for
  • How much compensation you could be entitled to receive

Laser Hair Removal Gone Wrong

If you’re looking to claim for a burn from laser hair removal, or laser hair removal blisters, you might need to understand precisely what they are and why they happen. According to the NHS, there are some side effects from laser hair removal, such as:

  • Bacterial infection
  • Scarring
  • Darkening/lightening of the skin
  • Bruising and swelling
  • Red skin
  • Laser hair removal blisters
  • A burn from laser hair removal 

When could I claim for laser hair removal gone wrong?

It is important to recognise that not every instance of a burn from laser hair removal or laser hair removal blisters could form the basis of a valid claim.

However, if the duty of care owed to you was breached and you experienced harm as a result, you may be eligible to seek compensation for laser hair removal gone wrong.

If you are not certain whether you could have a valid claim for laser hair removal burn compensation, we could assess your case for you. Get in touch on the number above.

What to do if you suffer laser hair removal burns or laser hair removal blisters

If you have been the victim of laser hair removal burns, the first thing that you need to do is make sure you seek medical advice. Your doctor will be able to advise you on the best treatment for the burns. Not only this but getting medical treatment is imperative if you do decide that you want to make a clai

For laser hair removal compensation. This is because the medical report that is put together by your doctor, or any medical professional that assessed your burns, will be used to determine how much compensation you are entitled to.

Evidence gathering

Aside from this, there are several different ways that you can gather evidence to ensure that you will have a strong case for claiming laser hair removal burn compensation. This includes taking photographs of the burns on your skin, as well as writing down what has happened

So that you do not forget any important details later on. If anyone was with you when you received the laser hair removal treatment, make sure you make a note of their contact details because witness statements can also be a great source of evidence.

Once you have done all of this, please call our team at Accident Claims UK. Do not suffer in silence. Not only can laser hair removal burns cause a lot of physical pain from the physical injury that you sustained, but there can also be psychological damages as well.

The person in question may suffer from a lack of confidence because of their burns, which can manifest into problems in their work life and their social life suffers too. When you make a claim, it is important to realise that you can claim for both the physical and psychological damages.

What restrictions are there on people offering hair removal?

If you want to make laser hair removal compensation claims, you need to know whether there’s been a breach of regulations that caused you to suffer.

When you are looking for someone to carry out laser hair removal treatment, it is important to recognise that this individual needs to have a minimum of an NVQ 3 qualification or the equivalent. If they do not have this certificate and they have provided you with your treatment which you were then injured as a consequence of, you could be able to make a claim.

Moreover, it is important to make sure that the individual has a current registration on the Healthcare Certificate.

They must have also attended a laser safety study day and have training on the laser equipment they are using. Such professionals are also advised to have a general health and safety awareness, as well as training in first aid and basic CPR.

I see some scarring after my laser hair removal – could I claim for laser hair removal burns?

If you’re considering whether you could claim laser hair removal burn compensation, this section may help.

There are a number of different reasons why scarring may occur after you have had laser hair removal treatment. This includes your skins ability to heal, medication, the experience of the practitioner, the suitability of the treatment, and the suitability of your skin type.

The pre-treatment assessment

Before you have laser hair removal treatment, the practitioner should assess your skin to make sure that it is suitable. For example, if you suffer from hypertrophic scarring or keloid formation, you will not be suitable for laser hair removal treatment.

If your practitioner has allowed you to have this treatment while knowing that you suffer from a condition such as this, he or she has acted negligently. In such a case, you could have grounds to launch a laser hair removal compensation claim against them.

The best thing to do if you have noticed scarring is to visit a healthcare professional. This way,  they can carry out an assessment and determine why the scarring has occured. This will then enable you to determine whether you have a basis for a compensation claim.

I have developed skin blisters after laser hair removal

Suffering from skin blisters after laser hair removal treatment can be incredibly worrying. You need to get medical attention as soon as possible so that your doctor can assess the issue and determine the severity of the blisters. He or she will also be able to advise on the best treatment. Once you have done this, you should give us a call to discuss the prospect of making a claim for what has happened to you.

Please read on for more on laser hair removal compensation claims.

What are the common problems associated with laser hair removal?

While laser hair removal treatment is considered safe, there are a number of complications that can happen. Most of these side effects are extremely rare and only tend to occur if the treatment has been carried out incorrectly. So, let’s take a look at some of the side effects in further detail:

  • General skin surface burns
  • Erythema ab igne – a skin reaction that can be caused by repeated or prolonged exposure to the laser
  • Libido reticularis – a rare condition that can be caused by laser hair removal treatment, which causes the skin to become mottled
  • Bruising – this can last up to 15 days
  • Excessive swelling – this can last up to a week
  • Lightening or darkening of the skin – this can last for a few months afterwards
  • Skin blistering – this can take up to 10 days to heal

Please see the next section to learn what damages you could claim laser hair burn compensation for.

Can I Claim For A Permanent Laser Burn On My Skin?

If you have sustained laser hair removal burn marks, these could potentially be permanent, depending on the extend of the damage. For example, if you suffered extensive blisters from laser hair removal, the marks may not fade.

Being eligible to claim for laser hair removal burn marks means fulfilling certain criteria:

  1. The salon or beautician must have had a duty of care towards you
  2. They must have breached that duty of care
  3. The breach must have caused your injuries

Permanent scars due to burns from laser hair removal could impact both your physical and mental health. If you’re able to claim compensation, your settlement should reflect these factors. 

If you have experienced blisters from laser hair removal, or burns from laser hair removal and would like to know whether you could claim for permanent scarring, please call us. 

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