
Accident Claims Launch Housing Disrepair Compensation Unit

After years of success in the Accident Claims Launch industry, our team at are delighted to announce the launch of HDCU, the Housing Disrepair Compensation Unit.


Starting with the North West, the Housing Disrepair Compensation Unit aims to inform all council and housing association tenants of their rights to repairs and potential compensation.

We formed HDCU this year after a rise in the number of council related incidents that appear to have been overlooked and consequently were in breach of legislation.

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As we operate in different areas of compensation claims we have a large number of existing clients with accident claims, PPI claims etc.  We found a large number of our clients were contacting us for advice on their current housing situation Accident Claims Launch.

Many who were at breaking point with the state of their property and the potential personal injury risks.  The surge over the last 3 months meant we had a duty to form something more concrete in order to represent large numbers of clients and to start producing informative literature on housing disrepair claims to educate.

How Much Customers Addition

In a large number of cases we found a pattern of reported problems not being ‘recorded’ until the tenant had made numerous complaints. Once the council had ‘acknowledged’ the problem they went through an identical process which resulted in no repairs Accident Claims Launch.

E.g a tenant reports a problem with their roof which eventually gets someone out to the property.  Scaffolding is put up against the property and its identified that the roof requires extensive and expensive repairs – rather than complete the repairs.

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The scaffolding remains for some time only to be removed with no work undertaken. In some cases we found that eventually the required roof repairs did take place but sometimes years after the problems were reported. 

Required roof repairs can not only have an impact on your health, but your personal belongings. As well as getting the repair completed, making a housing disrepair claim can result in compensation for other related problems Accident Claims Launch.

How To Help Others

We’ve teamed up with a number of charities who share the same passion as us – helping their communities, whether financially or just for some advice.  Our goals are simple, make people aware and put things right!

If you have contacted your landlord within the last 5 years regarding any housing repairs then you may be due compensation.

The government offers some guidance on housing disrepair legal obligations but if in doubt contact our specialist housing team

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